Happy Year + 1 day to Me!!

Dear Readers,
Today I have been alcohol free for 366 days!
As I write this, I am sitting up on a deck by a beautiful lake in northern Minnesota, with my good friends, and of course my cute hubs.

The weather is absolutely perfect.
And I am good.

So what I have learned about not drinking?

1. Alcohol is not romantic. I had to really work on this. If anything, it made me too tired to have a nice night with my Loved One. Romantic is sharing conversation, holding hands, candles, smiles, and love. 

2. It took awhile. I had horrible urges when I first tried to quit, and I was not able to cope with them. I was very close to going on antabuse if the urges hadn't gotten better. But then, they did! 

3. No one cares if I drink or not. It's just my own perceptions that need changing.

4. I can choose to make myself miserable or happy about not drinking.

5. It is a change, and I need time to adapt to living a different way, learning to live life one day at a time. 

6. I couldn't do this alone. I needed and still need people to help me. Only people with an alcohol addiction really know what it's like. I love my on-line community, my AA community, my doctors, my yoga teachers and buddies, and family and friends.

7. I am learning to deal with depression and anxiety, again. I had them before my drinking got heavy. Then I started to try to drink all those feelings away. It surprised me that they didn't go away, and if anything are coming to forefront again. However, I no longer have the terrible  alcohol induced depression and anxiety. I am so thankful for that!

8. I love my yoga practice!

9. Giving up drinking does not solve all my problems. There are no easy fixes, except for these:
I no longer have the problems of drunk driving, falling down, sloppy speech, blacking out, hangovers, waking up in cold sweats, spending money, and hanging out in bars for hours. 
I am very happy not to make any more problems for myself, as I have enough normal ones!

10. Being scared is normal. I was very scared. I was scared of losing friends, coping without drinking, and going to meetings. But that went away with time.

In the future it is my hope and dream that I can keep letting go of the anxiety around not drinking. I have made great strides, but this is an area I still need to work on. The same goes for the "poor me, I can't drink" thoughts that can pop up at dinner parties, which are connected to some social anxiety.

I am working to grow spiritually as well as emotionally, because I know some of my problems are from lack of growth in these areas.

If you are still struggling, I want to encourage you to never give up. I know it takes work. It is one of the hardest things I have ever done. Keep searching for the best ways to help yourself. If one way isn't working try something else. I knew I need everything, so I did everything. 

The best gift from being sober is peace of mind.
To all of you dear readers, I not only thank you for your help and support, I wish you a wonderful, glorious day!

With Love on Day 366,


  1. How totally fantastic! You are a rock star! Online & offline you are an inspiration to me. Lori

  2. Hooray! Cake and sparkles for you ;) Your list is great, and you are an inspiration for those who want to quit drinking. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Oh, I'll take cake and sparkles!!
      Thank you, Lori K!!

  3. Truly awesome Wendy!! HUGE congrats on 1 year sober and rock on year 2 :) xx

    1. Thank you, Lucy!!
      I'm happy and thank you for all your great information and support!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. a huge well done and hurrah and jumping up and down in excitement to you! you have come so far and achieved SO much. and I love your list - I think number 4 is my favourite. hell I think they are ALL my favourites!

    thank you too for your company and support on my own path, which I really appreciate. keep growing and learning! Prim xx

  6. Thank you SO much, Prim!
    It's been quite a journey!!

  7. In all my years of drinking, I don't think I learned as much as I did in my first year of not drinking. Now, almost four years later, I'm a genius. ;)
    Congratulations on a year of freedom!

    1. Dear Kary May,
      Wow! 4 years is awesome!!
      Freedom is a great word!!

  8. Congratulations.
    Peace of mind is priceless.

    Absolutely priceless.

  9. Congratulations! So glad you're having a good time in Minnesota. You deserve it through all the obstacles you've faced this year. Really well done :) Looks like a lot of your hard work has already paid off with all the lessons you've learnt from quitting.

    Francis|Growing Positive

  10. Congratulations! You are an inspiration to us all x

  11. HI Wendy,
    Love how you have such a clear and vibrant take on all of this - you seem to have got right down to the essence of what it sober means for you and that is a great place to be. Congratulations and let's keep the momentum rolling onwards!

  12. Congrats Wendy! I can relate to so much of what you posted. You inspire me to keep going.

    1. Thank you, Jenn!
      I think many people with addictions suffer from anxiety and depression.

  13. Yes, peace of mind is a huge one for me! Well done girl, you rock!

  14. nice list, i need to work on number 1. Lots others too actually. Well done on the year anniversary...
    Kats x

    1. Thanks Kats!
      That romance tied to drinking is a tough one. It's getting much better now.

  15. Dear Wendy,
    Congratulations on your year! Wow! This is marvellous! <3 And yes, I am happy for you! And for me because your beautiful posts and replies bring joy and wisdom. :-)
    Thank you for being a friend.
    xx, Feeling

    1. Dear Feeling,
      Thank you so very much!
      It seems easier to have wisdom for other people than myself!

  16. Huge congrats - 1 day is a massive achievement - well it was for me when I started. A year was something I couldn't imagine. Then I couldn't have imagined more than a decade at all either

    1. Thank you, Graham!
      Now I'm excited to keep going!

  17. Congratulations and what a beauty you are! Can you even believe how far you've come in a year? I couldn't.


    1. No I cant believe it!
      Makes me realize how fast time goes by!

  18. Hi Wendy
    OMG, i thought i had commented but it seems i didnt. i remember reading through all of this vividly, - must have got distracted when i was about to write. cant think what went wrong. ANYWAY, A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU. THIS IS A BRILLIANT ACHIEVEMENT WHICH SHOWS UTMOST STRENGTH OF CHARACTER. YAY TO YOU MY FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. are my comments not coming through?

  20. Huge congratulations! What a milestone!
    I am printing this post. It provides guidance and inspiration.

  21. Dear Time and the Bottle,
    SO happy to hear from you!
    Thank you!

  22. Congratulations! I'm happy to hear you're doing well. When I first saw your photo, I thought you were in a tree house, and I decided that was awesome.

    It's been 1.5 years since I walked away from teaching - my last gig was in a really toxic, abusive environment - and I'm having a hard time finding myself again, although it's coming back in bright fits and starts, coupled with some really dark troughs.


    1. Dear SC,
      I understand. I too, still can't find my way. Most of my teacher friends who retired, love it and have no problems.
      Not so with me.

  23. A year is a remarkable accomplishment. Your husband must be so proud!


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