Because I want to!

Dear Readers,
I was thinking about what keeps me sober today, as we are in the big drinking holiday season. Mr. UT and I have been to two holiday parties, and one big date night out. We have Christmas weekend coming up with his family. I was thinking about what keeps me sober today.

My husband is one of the most important reasons I stay sober today. He has been with me since 11th grade of high school. He could have left when my drinking got bad, but he hung in with me. He stopped drinking to support me, so he should be getting chips as well. He is my number one supporter, and our marriage is so much better. I love him so much. I never want him to have to go through that pain again.

Freedom keeps me sober today. I love the freedom I have to drive. I love knowing I don't have to worry about finding bottles I hid, or the chain of dragging the thoughts of drinking around me all day. I love knowing I won't be locked up for a DUI.  

Helping and supporting other people in recovery keeps me sober. Meetings, volunteering, on-line recovery, are a big part of why I stay sober today. I know how hard it is to get and stay sober. I understand loneliness. I understand depression and anxiety. With support we can stay sober and be happy. 

Remembering the past, not to shame myself, but so I don't romanticize drinking keeps me sober today. Thoughts rarely enter my head, but when they do, I go right through what would happen if I took that first drink, and it will not end well.

I think though, as I am writing this, the most important reason I stay sober today is because I want to. Drinking made me angry and resentful. I don't want to go back to bad drinking times. My body has healed, my mind is stronger, I have less depression. I can express my feelings in healthier ways, I am less likely to over-react. I am more loving, less angry, and calmer. I am more content with what I have. I am more accepting of who I am.

I have my self-respect back. I am living my values. 
(Here is a wonderful article from The Odyssey on what self-respect means.)

Not that everything is perfect, but now I am able to accept my imperfections. 

At the parties there were people drinking more. I saw their faces flush, they got sillier, more talkative. No wonder so many people use drinking for anxiety. That's what I did. But I have learned, after 3 years of practice, that I can talk, enjoy company, enjoy dressing up, and I know I will be free of hangovers, and will have the peace of mind the next day.

With Christmas Spirit,
On Day 1200,


  1. Great reasons; great post! You are always an inspiration for me. Happy Day 1200!!!

  2. Thank you for all that you do Wendy - I always love and appreciate everything that you share. Gosh what a beautiful couple you and hubby are šŸ˜. Congratulations on 1200 days. Merry Christmas! xo

  3. You look beautiful in your party dress! Congratulations on your 1200 days Wendy. I always look forward to reading your inspiring posts. Thank you for all of your love and support. Merry Christmas to one of my favorite sober peeps!

    1. Thank you, Elizabeth! I’m happy to be in this journey along side you!

  4. Well said! I feel the same way. I love to see you and your husband looking so healthy and happy. And what a beautiful tree in a beautiful place!

    1. Thank you! Staying healthy is a big goal! Especially as we get older!

  5. I love this! I feel like I could have written it myself, we have so much in common! I choose not to drink today because I don’t want to. Alcohol doesn’t bring anything of value into my life, it only takes. I am so grateful to be sober today.


    Vanessa Day - Free to be V (Wordpress)

    1. Yay!! Thank you for commenting! Life is becoming what it was meant to be!!

  6. As always, beautifully put and all so true. Not "wanting" to drink is pure freedom. It's taken me a while to figure this out, but with help from yourself and others, I think I'm finally getting it! And you look marvelous! Cheers!

    1. It’s the best. But this took time for me, too!
      Thank you for your support, Lia!

  7. Thanks very interesting blog!


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