Feeling Playful on Day 299

Dear Readers,
My dear hubby is letting me post a real photo of him.
Here we are playing "Let's pretend we are young and this won't hurt your back!"
I love to play!
Maybe that's why I loved teaching kindergarten. The children always made me laugh, and they lived and learned by playing.

Playing makes life easier. It even makes cleaning the house a joy, if I play "Let's pretend this is fun!" (Ha) 

I can take things way too seriously, and when I do, I make myself miserable. 
When I accept life on lighter, more playful mood, that's when I am happiest. 

In AA, there is a saying, "Fake it 'till you make it." I think of this as playing, too.
"Play" being happy sober, and one day, you will be happy sober.

I read in a book once, that we have a moral obligation to the people closest to us to be as happy as we can be. I owe it to my husband, family, and friends, to be sober. 
Because by not drinking, I am happier. I am more playful, lighter, and more loving.

This does not mean that I am unreal, or that I don't express my authentic self and feelings.
It means in my daily life, I want to make things a little easier for those around me.
It also doesn't mean that it's easy.
Being happy takes work.
Being sober takes work.
But it can be work that creates joy, and that joy starting with me can spread outwards.

And so to you dear readers, I wish you a playful day!
With Love!
On Day 299


  1. Look at you both - what a couple! :) So happy you are happy xx

    1. Hi Lucy!!
      Thank you!
      We do like to pretend we are young!

  2. :-) Beautiful Wendy. You are a lovely couple.
    xx, Feeling

    1. Hi Feeling!!
      So glad you are getting to Minnesota! It's really beautiful right now. So green!!

  3. Lovely couple :-) Almost Day 300!! Hooray! Lori K xx

  4. Hi Wendy,
    Great post.
    What a beautiful photo. You are never too old to have fun. Anyway, you don't look old at all! I can't believe you are retired!
    That's a great way to think. I was dreading my last day at work. I kept telling myself that it was going to be a good day. Tried to talk myself into it. It helped a bit.
    A x

    1. Angie,
      I am sorry I missed your post about work!
      I am happy you are having a good visit with your mom.

  5. Beautiful picture - beautiful post. xxx
    I too am much happier and more playful without alcohol... who knew x

    Claire B x

  6. i love photos. i wish we had more of them. !
    go girl.love from Lisa

  7. Lovely. You owe it to yourself to be as happy as possible. Because that makes the world a better place for all of us!
    Thank you!


    1. Thank you, Anne!
      I love my happy times!
      I wish I felt like this everyday, but then that wouldn't be realistic!

  8. Wendy, what a great photo! Both of you look so happy. You made me smile. What an uplifting post. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Dear Time,
      We like to go for walks in the woods!
      It's a place we can talk and its peaceful!

  9. There you are! OMG You're so cute! I don't know why I've been missing your blog. I added it to my site now. I don't want to miss anymore awesome posts! You're inspiring me to come out of my shell!!

    1. lol!
      My blog doesn't seem to show up well. It's probably something I could fix if I had help!


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