Technical Difficulties on Day 264

Dear Readers,
Our internet connection is down in our house.
We lost it almost a week ago.
This makes it impossible for me to read all of your blogs, as well as post on mine, unless I go to a coffee house or the library.
At first I was anxious. I was worried about not being able to leave you my positive messages on your blogs.
I was worried, people would forget to look at my blog.
Then I came to an acceptance. I had to. I had no choice. I could worry and be mad, or find some wifi.
So here I am, having a skim latte.

On Monday my Loved One and I helped his nephew and his girlfriend move into a trailer house, where they will live until his girlfriend finishes her Master's degree. To be honest, I did not want to go. My back cannot carry anything heavy, and I was tired and crabby.
But I went to support my husband and his family.
And I was glad I did.
Helping other people always helps me way more than it helps them.
Even if I was not able to carry much weight, I was able to help lighten the load.

Today, I played golf today with a friend.
It was a drizzly day, and we got wet, but we didn't care.
We've been playing every week, and this is a time I look forward to.
We work hard at our game, helping each other by looking for ways to improve.
We also have fun, laughing and discussing life.

I am a people person by nature. I get energy by being with others.
I make connections, learn, and get support by being with others.
This is also true about trying to get and stay sober.
When I work with other people, we both get support and learn.
By working together, we can lighten the load for each other.


  1. Helping others and socializing for the joy of friendship are both nourishing to the soul.
    None of really need to do anything alone. It never makes us stronger. It just makes life harder. Who wants that?

    Yay for 264! Isn't it amazing to look at the number sometimes? I remember when I couldn't last a week....


    1. Dear Anne,
      I love to look at my number.
      I also love the way you put my people connections as nourishing my soul!
      So true!

  2. Hi Wendy,
    How frustrating having the internet! It's amazing how reliant we are on it. Perhaps in some cases too much! I often tell my son to get off electronics and use his imagination. He will then tell me that I have to get off my phone, the computer etc. Ouch! Congrats on day 264, that's awesome! A x

    1. Dear Angie,
      I am so grateful I didn't have all the distractions that I have today. It's very hard to ignore it all sometimes!
      I have learned to put my phone away when I with someone at a restaurant!

  3. No internet! Eek! ;-) congrats on day 264! Glad you're back! Lori K

    1. I'm not quite back.
      Still will have to go to coffee house a few more days!

  4. Hi Wendy,

    Congratulations on day 264, I am happy for you :-).
    And yes, internet, how did we come so dependent on it? I lived without it 25 years and now? 25 Minutes would be a lot.

    I got e-mail subsription to your blog. :-)


  5. If my internet went down I would freak out but it would be a blessing in disguise! Love catching up with your blog. All the best...


    1. Hi Sarah!
      Well it's still down! I'm on my phone using my data plan!
      So happy you are here!

  6. By Wendy thanks for your well-wishes over on Lucy's blog ;-) This sober blogging community has been a huge help for me and my journey! Lori K xx

    1. More balloons for you!!
      Happy One Year Sober, Lori!!
      That is a wonderful accomplishment!!
      Hugs to you!


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