After the Party

Dear Readers,
I think I was way funnier not drinking last night! LOL
Here's the strange thing. I was slightly anxious about alcohol all day.
Not urges, just anxious.
When my friends arrived, it went away!
It is so interesting to see how my "real" self is emerging.

The funny story of night…we only had enough chili to serve our guests!
We ran out! So my Loved One and I opened a can of Hormel Chili and ate that!
I have NO idea how my chili tasted!

I was thinking of resolutions. The past years I have not made any. This year I have decided to think about a few to write down and read them every day.
I hope by doing that, I guide myself towards those goals.

Back on that list will be my gratitude journal. Each night writing down 5 things I was grateful for, really puts me in better place.
Of course, staying sober will be on that list.
On my list will be more of my creative side needs.

I haven't figured out all of my list yet, so I think I'll put that in another post.

My yoga teacher talked about making a shift, expanding outwards.
I have been thinking about that.
The shift I want is to be in a place of acceptance and growth. 
I think I need both, hand-in-hand.
This is where I am right now.
And, this is where I am going!

My Loved One is vacuuming the after party crumbs.
I am going to yoga.
Then a walk in the woods, a fire, and SHRIMP! 
He's buying us SHRIMP! I LOVE shrimp!


  1. LOL, that is funny. Glad you had a good time. I have never done a gratitude journal but I think it would be good for me as well. Shrimp...YUM, enjoy :)

    1. The gratitude journal is very powerful! I'm excited to get back to it!

  2. I also find that I am funnier when I don't drink. I guess we are that way because our minds are clear and sharp instead of being cloudy and numb. Happy New Year!

  3. Dear Anna,
    Well, at least I think I'm funnier!
    Not sure if my friends would agree! HA

  4. Glad the party went well for you, except for the chili shortage ;-) wasn't it great waking up on New Year's Day with a clear head? Enjoy your shrimp Lori K xx

  5. Dear Lori,
    Yes! I LOVED waking up clear headed!
    It has been a wonderful, relaxing day!
    Thank you!

  6. Chili success - Good! Party success - Better!! YOUR success - Priceless!!!


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